
Showing posts from June, 2019

Week 5 - June 24, 2019

Hello everybody! I've now officially been in the field for a week. I'm in El Paso, Texas for now, which is funny because they talked about New Mexican culture a bit in training, and it doesn't even really apply anymore. But it's been great! I haven't taught a lot of lessons yet (mostly just because I haven't been here long), but I have met a lot of really cool people. We have a person being baptized in a couple weeks, which is awesome, and it was great to meet with her, but most of the teaching with her so far was done before I got here. I'm sure as we continue to meet with her, however, I'll get to know her more. We have a couple other people we're teaching, and it's been awesome to hear all of their testimonies. Some of them don't yet have testimonies of the Book of Mormon, but they have a really strong faith in Christ and really interesting stories they've shared of how they got that faith. I've seen (and I will continue t

Week 3 - June 10, 2019

We video conferenced with Ethan as he was on the train headed from the MTC in Provo to the airport in Salt Lake City.  Later that evening these photos were placed on the mission Facebook page by Sister Guffey, the Mission President's wife. This is a look-out point that looks down on Albuquerque. At the Albuquerque Temple. Elder Coleman with President and Sister Guffey

Week 2 - June 4, 2019

Hey Everyone! The MTC is great! I mean, it's kind of hard and it's very busy, with not much free time except for p-days, and even then, there's things we have to do that can eat up a decent amount of time. Of course, if it wasn't the way it is, missionaries couldn't head out to the field in just three weeks (or a couple more depending on the language), so they know what they're doing. Also, the time is spent doing important things to make us better missionaries and better people. I've been pretty good. It's weird to always have to be with my companion, Elder Noyes, but with classes and devotionals and such, I'm with my whole district for a lot of the time, so it doesn't feel too weird. Elder Noyes is cool; he's from Nevada and worked for like a year after high school as a hunting guide in different places like Alaska. Every elder in my district actually took a year or more off before heading out, so I think that's cool that we al

Week 1 - May 28, 2019

Hello. I'm emailing you let you know that I made it to the MTC safely and everything. P days are Tuesdays, so I'll talk to you then. Love you, and thanks for everything. -Elder Coleman

Week 4 - June 17, 2019

Hey guys, I'm allowed to send an email today to let you know that "I'm alive." I'll say more on Monday, but I'm in El Paso, my companion is Elder Shepherd, and I'm doing alright. Talk to you soon(ish)! Love, Elder Coleman **Photos we got off the mission Facebook page.  This was the day that Ethan went to his first area and departed from the mission home. Elders Coleman and Call - friend from MTC