Week 5 - June 24, 2019
Hello everybody! I've now officially been in the field for a week. I'm in El Paso, Texas for now, which is funny because they talked about New Mexican culture a bit in training, and it doesn't even really apply anymore. But it's been great! I haven't taught a lot of lessons yet (mostly just because I haven't been here long), but I have met a lot of really cool people. We have a person being baptized in a couple weeks, which is awesome, and it was great to meet with her, but most of the teaching with her so far was done before I got here. I'm sure as we continue to meet with her, however, I'll get to know her more. We have a couple other people we're teaching, and it's been awesome to hear all of their testimonies. Some of them don't yet have testimonies of the Book of Mormon, but they have a really strong faith in Christ and really interesting stories they've shared of how they got that faith. I've seen (and I will continue t...