Holiday Season / New Year

Hello again everybody! It's been a while since I've written one of these, so there's a bit I can report on.

It's definitely cold now! It was 8° this morning when we went outside, and warmed up to 25ish° by the time we got to the neighboring city for P-day. It's also been snowing some, so we had a white Christmas, which was a first for one of my companions (from California).

I'm in a trio now, which is a first for me, so that's cool. We're getting along well, and we're doing work and having fun, so we'll see what happens next transfer. We find out what happens this next weekend and transfers are the Wednesday afterward. This transfer sure flew by for me!

We've had a lot of holidays recently, and they've been fun! For Thanksgiving, we ate four Thanksgiving dinners and could have gone to two more, but we were pretty full. For Christmas Eve, we went to an event on the Taos Pueblo with a member, where there were a bunch of big bonfires, good food, and a parade of the natives. It was really cool to see! On Christmas, we had more meals with members and people we're teaching, as well as a Christmas party with all the missionaries in the zone held by some members, where they shared their conversion experience. I won't say a lot, but it was really cool, and shows how Heavenly Father knows the perfect timing for everything, and that there are still miracles and such today. They got sealed together and to their children in the temple recently, and it's awesome to hear how far they've come and how we really are helping people grow closer to God and each other. Knowing about eternal families is such a blessing, and it's honestly one of my favorite truths of the gospel.

On that note, we talked about the Book of Mormon on Sunday, preparing for next year's Come, Follow Me, and how there are so many truths we wouldn't know without the it. So I challenge all of you to read through the Book of Mormon next year, starting with the Introduction (which is really good, actually); think about all the things you know from it, where you'd be with out it, and who needs those truths in their lives; and pray to know it's true. The Book of Mormon is either true or it's not, and if it's true, everything else falls into place. So even if you've done it before, pray about it again. It can only help, right? So you can add all this to your New Year's resolutions, and actually follow through :P

That's pretty much everything from me. I hope everything's going well, and that you all take my challenge since I know, from experience, that it will bless you, and I want you all to have more happiness in your lives. We could all use more happiness, and happiness from something that won't leave, even in times of trial.

Anyway, stay cool, everyone!

-Elder Coleman


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