
Showing posts from October, 2019

October 21, 2019

Hi everybody! I'm doing well. This last week, I was transferred from El Paso to Taos, NM. It's definitely different, but it's really cool! It's a lot colder and a lot greener. Our area is really big, our ward is kind of small, and we don't find a lot of new people, but the people we're teaching are awesome and I really look forward to continuing the work here. My new companion is Elder Pritt, who's been out just over a year, and he's cool. I'm actually the driver in this companionship, and we have a truck, so this is the first time I've actually ever driven a truck. We have two people who have committed to baptism here, and I'm excited to help them get there. We also have a decent number of people we're teaching that come to church, so it's awesome to see that! Not much else has happened, but I do have something from my studies I want to share. Recently, I've been reading in Alma, and got to the account of the Anti-Nep

October 14, 2019

After being in El Paso, TX since June, Elder Coleman is being transferred. He will now be serving in Taos, NM. We joked about him spending the hottest part of the summer in the southern most area, and now he will be going to the northern most area for fall/winter. He seems happy for this change. He really seems to be doing great! We love being able to video conference with him each week. He has been assigned as a Spanish elder, so he has been working on his language skills. He thinks that may continue into his new area. Below is his email that he sent last week. As well as photos he just sent. Hi everybody! Sorry I don't always respond to the emails I get, but it's always awesome to hear from you! I'm doing well. The weather's getting a bit better now. It's actually in the 70°s right now! And it's rained some days, which just seems weird. It's definitely nicer to walk around in the 70°s than in the 90°s and sometimes